- Silicon Valley Season 4 Blu-Ray Give Away!
- Nerd Lounge Review: Defenders vs the Tick
- Word Nerd Review: The Slow Regard of Silent Things
- Episode One of Batman - The Telltale Series is FREE
- Word Nerd Review: The Mostly True Story of Jack
- Me Myself and I Red Carpet at Paleyfest 2017
- Silicon Valley Season 4 Blu-Ray Give Away!
- Nerd Lounge Review: Defenders vs the Tick
- Word Nerd Review: The Slow Regard of Silent Things
- Episode One of Batman - The Telltale Series is FREE
- Word Nerd Review: The Mostly True Story of Jack
- Me Myself and I Red Carpet at Paleyfest 2017
- Silicon Valley Season 4 Blu-Ray Give Away!
- Nerd Lounge Review: Defenders vs the Tick